World's Largest


Transforming Crops into Solutions

Complete Range of Solutions

Harnessing Nature's Power

bowl of vegetable salads
bowl of vegetable salads
Livestock, aquaculture, pets solutions

Global nutrition for all

ADM Foods is a major global nutrition company, converting crops into ingredients for food, beverages, and supplements. They offer a comprehensive range of solutions for livestock, aquaculture, and pets, harnessing the power of nature to provide nutrition worldwide
Crop transformation for solutions
Innovative Projects
heart-shaped bowl with strawberries
heart-shaped bowl with strawberries

Food Solutions

Discover our innovative food solutions that cater to the diverse needs of consumers worldwide.

person holding brown grains
person holding brown grains
Animal Nutrition

Explore our animal nutrition projects that enhance the health and productivity of livestock.

sliced vegetables on black ceramic plate
sliced vegetables on black ceramic plate
Aquaculture Solutions

Learn about our aquaculture solutions that support sustainable and efficient fish farming practices.

green and red fruit with green leaves
green and red fruit with green leaves
Pet Nutrition

Find out how our pet nutrition projects provide high-quality and balanced diets for pets.